End of Lines
Please Note: Adopted standards vary from province to province. Please refer to adopted standards within your province.
CAN/ULC - S524-14 standard for installation.
10.1.1 -Except as permitted by clause 10.1.2, end-of-line devices for electrical supervision shall be located in a separate enclosure, installed less than 1800mm above-finished floor level measured from the center of the end-of-line device, and located beyond the last device in the circuit or terminated in a control unit or transponder.
10.1.2 - End of Line devices for one field device on a circuit may be located within that field device provided that the end-of-line voltage can be tested.
Note: 10.1.2 does not state an exemption for the required height limitations of 1800mm. Even for one device.
CAN/ULC - S536-13 Standard for Inspection and Testing
​ Each input circuit end-of-line device shall be tested for open circuit fault, short circuit fault and ground fault conditions. The results shall be recorded in the Individual Inspection Report.
​ Each output circuit end-of-line device shall be tested for open circuit fault, short circuit fault, and ground fault conditions. The results shall be recorded in the Individual Inspection Report.
E.V.S. SM-001 - Is designed to replace the existing End of Line plates. Allowing an open, ground and short test to be completed independently, with just the turn of a key.
Don't forget to label your new End of Line Test Switch.